Pollak Tutors - Academic Tutoring for Tenafly, NJ School Students

Subject Tutoring

At Pollak Tutors, we recognize that every student’s learning journey is unique. We adapt to your situation and are here to lead the way.

Our passionate educators aim to relieve the academic pressures students face and unlock each student’s full educational potential⸺all while keeping the process light and fun.

Our commitment begins with a personalized consultation. Here, parents and students can discuss their academic challenges and anxieties. We listen intently, prepare a plan to address the student’s needs, and familiarize ourselves with the family dynamics. This comprehensive understanding allows us to match every student with a tutor who we believe is their perfect academic ally.

Once we get started, students find the sessions flexible, personally-tailored, and, dare we say it, kinda fun. Most students meet their tutors once a week for an hour, but we adjust based on individual needs. Importantly, our tutors adapt their teaching methods to match the student’s personal learning style.

Whether you prefer face-to-face meetings⸺we have inviting offices in New Providence and Harrington Park, NJ⸺or the convenience of an online session via Zoom, we’ve got you covered.

We hope you’ll join us in crafting a brighter academic future for your child!

Our Most Common Tutoring Subjects













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Melissa F.
Stamford, CT
After hearing the praises of Rob Pollak from others in my community I hired him to work with my daughter. I now am one of his most vocal supporters. He was reliable and flexible with my teen's ever changing schedule. With his help her ACT scores went up and she has been accepted into the school and program of her dreams! Thank you Rob!!
Pollak Tutors, LLC
New Providence, NJ